Privacy Policy

MANAGEAT informs users of the website about its policy regarding the treatment and protection of the data that may be collected by browsing through its website.

In this sense, MANAGEAT guarantees compliance with current regulations on data protection. 

The use of this website implies acceptance of this privacy policy.

Data processing 

The personal data that the user could provide voluntarily are incorporated into a treatment identified as “web contacts”, of which MANAGEAT HOSPITALITY S.L. is Responsible, in order to keep a record of the inquiries received via email and manage the responses.

This treatment is legitimised by the consent of the interested party. The information we receive is treated confidentially, so it is not communicated or transferred to third parties. And we keep it for the time necessary to fulfill the indicated purpose and, at most, for a period of time of one year, after which, we proceed to the deletion, unless previously the user exercised his right of deletion. Like the rest of rights -access, rectification, portability, limitation of the treatment and opposition- deletion can be exercised by sending a communication to the contact email, attaching a photocopy of identification and indicating in the subject “data protection”.

Social Media Plugins 

MANAGEAT HOSPITALITY S.L. uses on its Social Media portal Plug-ins (“plugins”) of the social networks Linkedin, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. The use of these social networks is governed by their respective conditions of use and privacy.


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